When you come home after a long day, the last thing you want to find is that your garage door won’t open, leaving you stuck out in the rain. Issues with your garage door are not relegated to the automatic doors. Even the old manual garage door can have problems that keep it from opening and closing properly, to a point where you may consider repairing or replacing it altogether.
If your garage door has problems, the first thing you need to do it try to determine if you are able to repair the door on your own, or if you need to call in a professional handyman.
If your garage door is sticking, the fix might e as easy as oiling the chain and making sure that the chain is properly on the track. In the case of the automatic doors, check the batteries in your remote control. If the door opens fine from the inside, it could be a problem with your remote.
Should those solutions be unsuccessful in dealing with your garage door problem, you will want to call someone versed in garage door repair. The motor on the automatic doors could have burned out or have some other malfunction.
You might find that the simplest solution to your garage door problem is replacing the door entirely with a more modern solution. After several years, many doors do not work as well as they did when you first installed them. Rather than fiddling with a broken door for days or even weeks, it may be more cost effective to simply replace it. The cost is worth it when you consider the frustration and time you will save.