/What is Kumon Tutoring and How Can it Help Your Child Learn?

What is Kumon Tutoring and How Can it Help Your Child Learn?

If your child has started to fall behind in one of his or her classes and seems to be struggling to simply stay afloat, an outside tutoring program can be a very worthwhile investment.  Regardless of age and whether it is reading, grammar, or algebra that seems to be the problem, getting it taken care of is essential. 

Kumon Learning Centers is a chain of tutoring programs that offers children the help they need.  The question is whether their services are right for your child.

Kumon is certainly a very beneficial service and it has helped many parents and children to get things back on track so that a child can receive the best education possible.  They are frequently compared to services like Sylvan, but while both provide tutoring, both are also very different.  Many of the complaints about Kumon come from parents who do not know what to expect, and expect instant ‘miracle’ results.

Kumon Learning Centers offers children the tutoring and help they need to learn, but they also help children learn independently.  Lessons are offered and help is given for a set period of time before your child is tested and assessed.  Additional help is offered as needed, but generally students pick up the lessons during this timed instructional period.  The reason for this is that this is how schools work as well.  Lessons are given, and children are expected to grasp the concepts being explained. 

While other centers provide a handholding method of tutoring, Kumon teaches children to learn like they will need to do in classrooms and in the working world. As to whether or not Kumon is right for your child, only you can say, but their services are certainly valuable if your child needs that extra boost to get him or her to the next level in their learning.