What Are the Top 5 Hospitals in California?

Whether you are a patient who is needing treatment, or a doctor or nurse seeking employment, it is important that you choose one of the top hospitals in the state of California.  Here are the very…

Are Hypnic Jerks Dangerous?

We've all experienced the sensation before – you're just about to fall asleep and your body suddenly jerks, often accompanied by a vivid feeling or dream about falling.  Often, these nocturnal 'jumps' are enough to…

What Are the Treatment Options For Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid does not produce enough hormones.  While simple, this condition can have dramatic ramifications on your life.  Your thyroid is responsible for managing your metabolism, so if you…

Can Ginseng Help Your Athletic Performance?

For athletes, improving stamina is crucial to progress in any activity.  Without it, you won't last very long, no matter what sport you're involved in.  While there are numerous options available at supermarkets and vitamin…

When Should You Return From Maternity Leave?

The decision on when to return to work after maternity leave is a very personal one for most new mothers.  The United States is the only county in the Western world that does not make parental…

Eating Fish: How to Know if You Have…

Eating fish is a good way to help ensure that you are healthy and fit because the omega-3 fatty acids offer numerous benefits.  However, fish can also be a threat to your health, and can…

Mito What? Mitochondrial Disease and its Impact: One…

Mitochondrial disease is a life-threatening metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to convert food into energy. Mitochondria is a separate strand of DNA, which exists in every cell except red blood cells, and is responsible for…

Becoming a New Mother: How to Overcome Post…

Let's begin with the definition of Postpartum Depression (PPD).  PPD is a temporary depression related to pregnancy and childbirth.  It comes in two forms: early onset, commonly referred to as the "baby blues," and late…