If you’re out shopping this holiday season, or just browsing through Ebay to find some fun new gadgets for your home, you’re likely to seek out gizmos that combine function, price, and novelty appeal. Unfortunately, there are a number of technology gadgets out there that offer clever advertising and a unique premise, but after one or two uses end up being put away in the cupboard or the attic, where they’ll stay for the next ten years.
With that much said, let’s take a look at a few of the most useless home technology gadgets on the market today.
The Panini Press
It looks great sitting there gleaming on the shelf, and the notion of making the perfect panini may seem enticing, but ask yourself one question: how often do you actually eat paninis? Unless you have a family of five and your kids demand these tasty toasted sandwiches every single day, you’re likely to be wasting your money. Armed simply with a cheapo skillet and a 99-cent spatula to flip the panini yourself, you can save about eighty dollars on this oversized kitchen-counter space-waster.
A Margarita Maker
Averaging out at around two hundred dollars a pop, these high-technology drink makers promise to make the perfect margarita – all you have to do is pour in the right ingredients and hit one button. What could be more simple? We’ll tell you – saving a hundred and seventy five dollars by buying a machine that does the exact same thing – a blender.
The Go Duster
These crazy gadgets promise to save you much hard work and effort by spinning the head of your duster while you clean. Of course, since you are already dusting those shelves, actually moving your hand in small circles will exert the same amount of energy and save money at the same time.
Mailbox Sentry
Last, we have the Mailbox Sentry. This is one of the most unnecessary technology gadgets you’ll be able to find (and we looked pretty hard!). The Mailbox Sentry is a physical gadget designed to fit into your home mailbox, and alert you when new mail is delivered. A neat premise for the elderly or disabled, we hear you thinking, but sadly, that’s where the Sentry falls down. It’s powered by wireless technology which doesn’t have enough range for people whose boxes are at the end of a long driveway, and for those who have a mailbox close to their front door, it saves very little time.