/Does Eating Garlic Lower Your Risk of Cancer?

Does Eating Garlic Lower Your Risk of Cancer?

Studies show that those who make garlic a part of their diet, or who supplement with pills, have less of a risk of some cancer types.  Colon and stomach cancer seem to have a lower occurrence in those who take garlic.  What is the reason for this?

Firstly, garlic contains a powerful dose of antioxidants, which can help remove free radicals from the body.  Some of its compounds help to fight against carcinogens, and even expel them from the body. 

Garlic can also put a stop to the helicobacter bacteria in the stomach that is a factor in stomach cancer.  Carcinogens from meat cooked at high temperatures can damage cells, and the compounds found in garlic can help to prevent this by retarding the production of liver enzymes.

Other recent studies show that the claims of garlic reducing cancer risk might be overinflated.  The jury is still out on the true effectiveness in cancer prevention.  For many people though, it is worth taking.  You can use supplements, or you can eat raw garlic in your food.  Many who enjoy Italian cuisine already ingest the herb regularly, but you can use it in many other types of food, as well, such as a topping on pizza or an addition to lasagnas or pasta dishes.

Before you start taking garlic supplements, you should talk with your doctor.  Those who are on blood thinning medications may need to avoid the supplements, as will those who are going in to have surgery.  Your doctor will also be able to let you know if the supplements are going to conflict with any of the other medications you are taking.  It is always better to get the right information before taking any risks.