What is it that simultaneously unites and divides the generations? The one addiction shared by teenagers and over-sixties alike? An item possessed by both men and women, by both boys and girls? The answer is…
Is Your Boyfriend Lazy? How to Get Him…
What women see as lazy, men define as recreation. My girlfriend loves getting dolled up and going out to a nice French restaurant with foods I can’t pronounce. I prefer sitting at home on my…
Should You Lend a Friend Money?
The simple answer to someone that asks you for money is: no. If you are a particularly polite person, then the answer should be: “I’ll help you find a bank that can help you out”. …
How to Make a Lover’s Coupon Book for…
So, it’s your anniversary in two days and you have absolutely no idea what to get the special woman in your life. A card just wouldn’t be enough. She has enough jewelry to fill a…
Should You Trust a Lover With a History…
Few things can put stress and strain on a relationship like cheating can. We have all heard the phrase that “once a cheater, always a cheater” from friends and relationship councilors alike. But is this…
How to Make a Lover’s Coupon Book For…
It’s hard to buy a romantic gift for a guy. Rather than getting the special man in your life another tie or another bottle of cologne for your anniversary or other special occasion, make him…
When Should You Return From Maternity Leave?
The decision on when to return to work after maternity leave is a very personal one for most new mothers. The United States is the only county in the Western world that does not make parental…
Meeting the Children of Your New Girlfriend: Some…
Even if you’re good with children, your girlfriend may have children who aren’t quite ready to meet her new boyfriend. This can be uncomfortable for both of you, and if you’re trying to impress a…
Proposing to Him the Last Taboo?
The 21st century has brought a brand new era of technology, connection, and most importantly, equality. As a collective culture, we have made tremendous progress in the treatment of individuals. From the breaking of the…