Asking if interior decorators are worth the expense is like asking whether haute couture is worth the expense. It depends on what you want. Good interior decorators have very real skills and training. They can make an interior environment come alive, and they’re usually very creative if you need to save money. An interior decorator, however, is not capable of figuring out what looks like a home to you. They use your home as a creative space. You may or may not appreciate their creative endeavors.
Interior decorators are usually considered a logical expense for offices and commercial spaces. In these environments, good interior decorators use their skills to project the image of the corporation or the store and help to define the image of the space and the people who work there. None of these things, however, are as personal as a home. Living space is usually very adapted to the tastes of the homeowner. You may want to hire interior decorators if you really don’t know what you want, but you want something that looks classy.
Good interior decorators can usually help you to define what you want. Most homeowners don’t know the terminology that goes along with interior design and, when they learn it, it becomes much easier to express what they envision. Attentive interior decorators will help you to figure out the language, and to be involved in the design process. They can help you personalize your living space, but the expense can sometimes be costly. Whether or not interior decorators are worth it depends on your designing project, and your pocketbook.