How often do we use chemical products without thinking about how they’re going to affect our pets? Things like toilet bowl cleaner, oven cleaner, and even floor cleaner can have a seriously bad effect on pets. Are you wondering how the products you use are affecting your pets? Here’s some information about how you can keep your companions safe by using the right products to clean with.
The first rule of thumb is not to use products that will harm your pets – or other humans, for that matter – upon inhalation. If you must open windows to clean with a product safely, then it’s probably not one you want to use. There are many natural products that are sold commercially that are safer. You can even use simple alternatives to your favorite cleaners, such as vinegar and baking soda. These products are edible and natural, and won’t be harmful if inhaled.
Since pets have their mouths on everything, you really only want to use cleaning products that are safe to swallow, too. Again, they don’t have to necessarily be pleasant to swallow! Just think about all the chemicals your dog is getting if he drinks from the toilet bowl! His system is built to handle most of the germs on the toilet bowl, but the chemical products in toilet bowl cleaner can burn his mouth, esophagus, and stomach irreparably. A safer solution is to clean the toilet with borax or vinegar; natural products that are minimally harmful.
You need to remember, too, that your pets are lower to the floor than you are. The chemical products you use on your floor can be a serious problem. You can clean vinyl just as well with a cupful of vinegar. Add some oil to keep wood floors shiny and moisturized. You’ll have a clean house and healthy pets at the same time.