If you own a cat, you are likely willing to do anything needed to ensure that he or she is kept in good health. One thing that your veterinarian will almost certainly recommend is cat vaccinations. But what if you have an indoor cat? Are cat vaccinations really essential to good health?
Whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat, there are some vaccines that are absolutely critical. The distemper, calcivirus, rabies, and feline herpes vaccines should absolutely never be missed. These cat vaccinations could well save your cat’s life, and even indoor cats can develop these conditions. If you have other cats or may in the future, it is important that your feline receive other vaccines as well before introducing another cat into your home.
If your cat is solely an indoor cat and will never be around other pets, you may find that it is okay to skip certain cat vaccinations, such as feline aids, feline leukemia, and feline chlamydiosis. These are still cat vaccinations that should be considered, however, in case your cat ever gets out or is exposed to other felines, such as in a veterinary office. Giardiasis and peritonitis cat vaccinations can certainly be avoided, however, as they are not proven to be effective and may even have severe side effects.
Cat vaccinations really can make a difference for your pet’s health. Even with an indoor cat, there are many vaccines that are absolutely critical. Take the time to speak with your vet to learn how you can ensure the health of your indoor cat.