Have you ever heard the old saying, “Duct tape fixes everything?” Well, while that may not quite be true, here are five great home repair tips that are simple and cost effective, and which can really help around your house.
Toilet Repair
If your toilet is running, you can adjust the plunger until it meets the water line. Once this happens, the water will stop running, making this a quick and easy home repair.
Air Conditioning Repair
If your window unit air conditioner freezes up, simply turn it off and use a hair dryer on medium heat until it thaws out. This home repair can take a little bit of time, but is relatively simple.
Door Repair
If your door is squeaky, you can use a product like WD-40 on the hinges and the squeaking should stop immediately. This is among the simplest of home repair projects.
Electrical Repair
If all of the electricity goes out in one room of your house, find the main breaker panel of your home. Look for the one breaker, or switch, that is set to the “reset” position. Turn the breaker to the off position and then back to the on position. Check to see if your lights or electrical outlets are working again.
Privacy Fence Repair
If the gate on your fence is leaning, open the door and check the hinges. Sometimes with wear, the screws can become loose which would cause the door to lean. Try tightening the screws on the hinges to fix the problem.