Your bathroom walls take a lot of abuse over the years. Constantly changing humidity and temperature levels, along with water stains and other damage, can degrade the look of paint very quickly. You can paint your own bathroom walls and save yourself the costs of having it professionally done. Because this is typically one of the smaller rooms in the home, it’s not terribly expensive to complete this project.
Start by using a deglosser on the existing paint. If there is any damage to your bathroom walls that needs to be patched, or if portions of the drywall have become damaged from water, fix these issues before painting. You can sand down small patches of damaged paint with sandpaper clipped to a sanding block, or use a small power sander with a fine-grain sand-wheel.
Once the surface is ready to go, you simply apply the paint as you would to any other room in the house. A roller will give your bathroom walls a uniform, professional look. Try to keep your paint-strokes all going in the same direction. For a more artistic edge, you can add a texture to your bathroom walls using a sponge.
Bathroom walls, because of the conditions in the room, should be covered with high-quality paint. Remember that you can change the look of the room by simply repainting your bathroom walls a different color. While light colors are, by far, the most popular choices for bathroom walls, a darker color can lend the room a more relaxing air. You could even add an Accent Wall (a wall that is a different color to the rest) behind the bath to add interest to the room.
Bathroom walls usually require more repainting than other rooms in the house, so keep any extra paint you have left over handy so that you can use it to do touch-ups over the years.