When you purchase canned pet food at the local grocery store, you likely walk away with a feeling of confidence that you have made a good decision. After all, if these products are available for pet owners to purchase, they can’t be dangerous, right? In truth, many pet foods have ingredients that may potentially cause long-term health damage to your animal.
One of the biggest dangers with many pet food brands is that they use ingredients that have questionable origins. Pet food is not regulated in the same manner as human food, and it is within the limits of FDA regulation to allow blood, hide, hair, and even stomach contents of animals in ingredients labeled as meat meal. Less alarming but no less harmful is the use of vegetable products such as corn or rice in cat food. Cats do not need vegetables in the same way as we do, and cats fed cheap cat food with a high proportion of these ‘filler’ plant materials (which are marketed as healthy) can suffer digestive upsets or become malnourished without you knowing it.
Because there are so many potentially disagreeable ingredients in store brand pet foods, it is up to you as a pet owner to protect your pet. One of the best things you can do is choose pet food that is all natural and organic. This pet food should originate from a company with a strong reputation, and a company you’ve had good experience with in the past. California Naturals, EVO, and Eagle Pack all make pet foods that are free of dangerous ingredients, and are additionally designed to be as healthy as possible. You should always look for meat being the first ingredient listed on the can, not corn meal or some other vegetable product. With the right pet food, you don’t have to worry about ‘filler’ ingredients harming your animals. Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the time you have with your pet.