What is it that simultaneously unites and divides the generations? The one addiction shared by teenagers and over-sixties alike? An item possessed by both men and women, by both boys and girls? The answer is…
Why Is Getting a Rare Disease Diagnosis So…
Here's a worrying medical statistic: out of the 5,980 people recently surveyed about their treatment for 8 rare diseases, it was found that 40% of individuals were initially misdiagnosed (source: EurordisCare survey). For many of…
Shopping Safety: What to do if You Lose…
It happens to most parents at some point in their life. You are walking through the grocery store or shopping mall, you stop to look at an item that catches your eye, and when you…
Are Medicine Expiration Dates That Important?
Have you ever had a headache and rushed into the bathroom to find ibuprofen only to find that your bottle had expired? So what did you do? Did you take the pills anyway or throw…
Mito What? Mitochondrial Disease and its Impact: One…
Mitochondrial disease is a life-threatening metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to convert food into energy. Mitochondria is a separate strand of DNA, which exists in every cell except red blood cells, and is responsible for…
Is it Possible to Over Vaccinate Your Child?
Parents always want what is best for their child, health being one of the most important concerns. One of the ways to do that is through the vaccination process. Today, there seems to be vaccinations…
Parenting 101: Why Being Overprotective Can Do More…
You love your child, and you never want anything bad to happen to him or her. This is a natural response from a loving parent, but too much protection for your little ones can actually…
Public School vs. Private School: Which is Better…
Every parent knows that finding the right school for your child is one of the most important responsibilities a parent has. But which is better: public school or private school? Fact #1: Some of…