/Parenting 101: Why Being Overprotective Can Do More Harm Than Good

Parenting 101: Why Being Overprotective Can Do More Harm Than Good

You love your child, and you never want anything bad to happen to him or her.  This is a natural response from a loving parent, but too much protection for your little ones can actually do some harm to your growing child.

Children that don’t experience disappointment, setbacks or any kind of hardship will have a very hard time adjusting when they are older and get out into the real world, which can be a very mean place.  It is your job as a parent to nurture your child, but not to shelter the child from everything that comes along.

One of the first things that a parent has to learn is to say "no" to their children.  When your children want to do or have something that they shouldn’t, you have to say no.  Don’t make excuses or say no when you mean yes.  Setting boundaries at a young age will mean that you will not have to deal with as much crying and pouting when they get older and hit school, then college.  Children know that those sad little eyes of theirs can cause parents to crumble and give in.  You must remain strong.

If your children fall and scrape a knee or an elbow, you will want to tend to it, of course.  However, you don’t want to coddle your children more than is necessary, or fill their heads with horror stories of the infections they may get if you don’t treat the cut.  A little cut is going to heal just fine, and you shouldn’t make too big a deal of it.  If you do, you will find that your child has trouble dealing with even slight setbacks when they get older, and may become a hypochondriac or over-react to minor issues.

Parenting isn’t easy, and letting your children make mistakes is one of the most difficult things that you will ever do.  However, it is good for the development of the child.