For animal lovers, their pet is a part of the family, and the animal’s death may be a traumatic time for them. The last thing many pet owners want to think about is how to properly dispose of their pet’s earthly remains, yet it is something that must be dealt with.
Pet cemeteries have recently become very popular, and are the most commonly used method of burial. The cemeteries offer a variety of services, and many have a chapel on the grounds. Some popular human cemeteries even offer sections on the grounds that are only devoted to pets.
Pet cemeteries generally have a large plot of ground where they bury the animals. Burial options, such as having specific caskets and vaults made, are available. Many come with headstone services, or provide contact services, with a company that can offer them. The cemetery can also hold services for the pet, where your family and friends will be able to come and pay their last respects.
In addition, the pet cemeteries often have pet crematoriums as well. If you don’t want your pet to be buried, you can choose to have your pet’s ashes scattered on the cemetery grounds, or to be put into an urn.
Despite the variety of services provided at pet cemeteries, it’s important to think of the cost involved and how extravagant one wants to go with purchases. A better investment may be a simple garden burial, with the money spent instead on a living tree to plant over the loved pet’s remains.
For the true animal lover, a donation to a local animal shelter or pet rescue center would be an appropriate tribute to the memory of their pet.