Upgrading your appliances is an important part of getting the most out of your home. Whether you’re buying a new stove, refrigerator, microwave, water heater or some other type of appliance, you will find that this can improve the efficiency of your life. You might be upgrading your appliances to "go green" or perhaps you have decided that it’s finally time to do something about that 1970s-green refrigerator. However, what do you do with your old appliances when you upgrade?
There are several ways you can recycle old appliances. One of the best options is to donate them to a charitable organization. You can do this even if they are not in working condition. You can also put out an advertisement on Freecycle or in a community newsletter to see if anyone would like to come and pick up your old appliances. By donating a used refrigerator, washing machine or other appliance, you can help benefit the community around you.
Finally, you can contact a local recycling center to find out if they take appliances, in addition to cans and other items. This is a great way to help the environment, as your used refrigerator or freezer has potentially harmful refrigerant that might escape if you dropped it off at a landfill. By recycling your appliances, you help ensure that those chemicals are recovered and prevented from escaping into the atmosphere, where they become dangerous pollutants.
You can find out more about recycling by visiting the National Recycling Coalition online, or inquiring with your city government.