If you wish you could spend your days at home with your family, but know that you cannot simply give up your much needed income, a great idea can be to start a day care business in your own home. Due to the increased cost of living, more and more families rely on both parents working these days, and there are many single parent families where the parent must maintain a career at the same time as raising a brand new baby. When you want a home business with a real chance at success, day care is a great option.
The first thing that you absolutely must do when looking to start a day care home business is to create a business plan. Realize that while a day care can be profitable, you are not likely to see a six figure income in this business. You will need to be a highly responsible person in order to take care of other people’s children – even a minor injury to a child in your care could potentially lead to a law suit. Kids can be demanding, so it will be hard but rewarding work.
When you are able to come up with a strategy that allows you to make a livable income while charging prices that your clients can afford, it is time to move forward. Speak with state and city officials to find out what you need to have and do in order to start a day care. There will likely be licensing requirements as well as space requirements and inspections.
Once everything has been approved, you will find that you are able to start advertising. Remember that word of mouth is a great way to get your name out there, so remember to advertise online too on Craigslist or Facebook as well as the more traditional channels. Consider boosting your home business by offering low rates to start. When you have more children staying at your day care home business, you will be able to start slowly increasing prices.
A home day care is a great home business and you will find that it can really help you stay on top of your bills.