/What Natural Remedy Works Best for Hangovers?

What Natural Remedy Works Best for Hangovers?

Are you suffering after a night out on the town?  Hangovers are no fun to deal with, though they’re certainly common enough.  What can you do to help alleviate the pain and misery of your hangover, apart from racing down to your nearest drugstore to grab some aspirin?  Here are some natural treatments that can help you get your body back on track.

One of the best pre-emptive strikes to stop a hangover from even happening in the first place is to drink plenty of water both before and after consuming alcohol.  This will help keep your body hydrated.  It’s simple math – alcohol is a substance that causes major dehydration, and dehydration is one of the main causes of feeling crummy after an evening’s drinking – the classic pounding hangover headache is due primarily to your brain shrinking slightly inside your skull due to lack of water to plump it up. 

Getting plenty of water along with your choice of alcoholic beverage will help to lessen the severity of any hangover that you might have.  The best way to achieve this is to simply down a glass of water or fruit juice for every two or three alcoholic beverages that you drink. Your friends will envy you as you wake up hangover free the next morning!

Another good option is to visit the grocery store and eat a banana (or two) after drinking.  Urinating while drinking depletes your body of potassium – a banana will replace that potassium and then some.  This can help you get back to feeling like yourself and beyond that hangover.

Ginger ale or ginger tea are also good for healing hangovers.  These help reduce nausea and vomiting, and hot tea will also help you quell that queasy feeling.  Mixing honey, lemon and hot water will give you some relief from your hangover, as well.  However, make sure you use honey rather than sugar – the fructose will do you good.

Soup and toast is also a good treatment for a hangover.  Not only will this (eventually) quiet down your tossing stomach, but it will give your body the energy it needs to start eliminating the toxins from your system and to do other things.

These are only a few of the natural hangover treatments.  However, the best option is to drink in moderation, and always drink on a full stomach, never an empty stomach.