What if I could tell you weight loss is as simple as drinking flavored water? Well it is! What if you could increase your metabolism, reduce your risk of heart disease, fight against cancer-causing free radicals, and experience weight loss through boiling a plant and drinking the boiled water? As a famous president once said, Yes We Can!
What is this secret weight loss concoction? None other than green tea! And no, this isn’t an old wives tale passed on by rumor and propagated by none other than an eccentric author (we’ll that last part is true); but green tea’s weight loss abilities are backed by science – which I will explain In this article.
Green Tea Secret 1: Weight Loss Science
Green tea was originally grown in China, back before coffee houses and Starbucks existed, and is known as Camellia sinensis, literally translated from Latin as ‘Chinese’. Although China is a land of mystical and oft fantastical medicinal herbs, animal parts, and minerals that can cure anything from a broken heart to an enlarged groin (or flaccid one for that matter), green tea has been the most widely used cure-all for common sickness and weight loss. The science behind green tea’s weight loss power it fairly complex but I’ll give you the run down.
Green Tea increases your body temperature, which burns fat! Bada Boom! It’s that simple. I’ll give you the real science in case you want to fact check me (I can’t understand why people just don’t believe a random internet article author?)
Green Tea extract has two compounds called Polyphenols and the more popular caffeine. These two things induce thermogenesis (heating up) which causes fat oxidation (losing weight). So, your metabolism gets a boost without even increasing your heart rate.
Green Tea Secret 2: You Won’t Lose Noticeable Weight
Okay, so I sound like green tea’s Hollywood agent right now, but here is the skinny – Green Tea won’t bring immediate or dramatic weight loss. You can’t just submerge yourself in a pool of sinensis (green tea, see above), and expect to dissolve your excess troubles away. You need to do some real work to experience actual visible weight loss.
However, green tea does aid your efforts by increasing your metabolism up to 4%. Not much you say? Well, if consumed daily as a part of a daily workout routine, you can shed an additional 5-10 pounds per year, without having to do any extra work!
Who wouldn’t choose to go to work only 7 hours a day instead of 8 but get the same pay? That’s what green tea is; a friendly boss. One that works for you!
Green Tea Secret 3: The Eight Weight Loss Wonder of The World
Green Tea helps your metabolism, but besides weight loss there are countless health benefits of drinking green tea. They contain great named cancer fighting, life increasing, butt kicking ingredients like EGCG and flavonoids including the previously mentioned polyphenols and caffeine that have been linked to such wondrous things like longer stamina, increased sexuality, better sleep. They can even fight HIV (although studies show that this is just a tenuous link).
If your goals are weight loss, then get some green tea to help boost your metabolism and shed the pounds. Beyond just weight loss, improve your health in general by sippin’ some of the sines. Your metabolism (and your health) will be glad that you did.