Whether a child you know is in the hospital or you are simply looking to make donations to kids who can’t go home this holiday season, knowing which gifts are best for children in the hospital is important. Today, we will look at some fun options that many kids will love. Children in the hospital shouldn’t have to go without toys this holiday season, and these gift ideas are perfect.
A great option for children in the hospital, provided they are allowed to have it, can be holiday candy. Sweet treats are always well loved this time of year, and many children who are in the hospital end up going without some of their favorite snacks. Speak with the doctor to ensure that there are no sugar or other restrictions and consider offering great holiday treats.
If the child’s family wish to keep their child eating healthily while in hospital, provide a holiday fruit basket. Be sure to include plenty of kid’s favorites such as sweet grapes, apricots and nectarines (if in season), kiwi fruit and cherries. Fruit is made of simple natural sugars and is easy to eat and digest, so it can even help restart a sick child’s appetite while providing much-needed calories to help them convalesce.
Another great choice is simple games or activities that can be done from a hospital bed. Brain teasers, card games, handheld gaming systems, and word puzzles can be fun. Books are also great options for children, especially fantasy books or those with a great sense of humor. Pens to write letters to friends with and fun stationary can be awesome.
Of course, clothing is another great gift for children in the hospital. You will find that warm pajamas or a flannel sweatshirt with a fun design and bright colors can make a child stuck in a hospital gown much happier.
Essentially, the key is to find what would make the child happier and what would bring them more fun. When you can do this and stay within hospital (and parental) rules, finding the best gift for a child stuck in the hospital can be easy.