/Should You Buy a Gift For Your Boss This Christmas?

Should You Buy a Gift For Your Boss This Christmas?

This holiday season, you may find yourself struggling to ensure that you have included everyone on your gift list.  Friends and family members are likely covered, as well as your coworkers.  One question that many people have this time of year, however, is whether or not it is a good idea to give a gift to your employer or boss.  While there is no hard and fast rule on this, here are a few suggestions.

If you really want to get a nice, high quality gift for your boss like a Christmas gift basket or set of golf clubs, one of the best suggestions is to pitch in on a group gift.   This will avoid a situation where your coworkers feel that you are trying to gain favor by buying your employer an expensive gift, and it will keep your boss from thinking the same. 

If you really want to purchase a gift for your boss that is solely from you, try to keep it moderately priced and purely functional.  Get for instance a golf themed note holder or something that you know the boss will use around the office, something that they actually need.  This will please your boss without making it seem like you are trying to wow him or her. 

Avoid giving cash or gift cards as a gift at all costs, and try to show some discretion if you are not including your coworkers on the tag.  The point is to show how well you know your boss and appreciate him or her – the last thing you want is to make your boss feel uncomfortable by buying a high ticket item or giving them money.  Your boss will always wonder if you have ulterior motives.

If you are male, you should always avoid buying your female boss flowers, as it is all too easy for them to take your nice gesture the wrong way.  Remember they may have a husband at home who may also question why ‘some other guy’ is buying his wife flowers!

Most importantly, whenever you give your boss a gift, it is important to ensure that you are not giving because you want something in return.  Be honest with yourself about that.  Don’t offer a gift if you are hoping it will lead to a promotion, better treatment, or even a larger bonus.  The spirit of giving should be for the joy of it and to show thanks for their day-to-day help and assistance throughout the year, not because you want something for yourself.