/How to Make Money When You Don’t Have a Job

How to Make Money When You Don’t Have a Job

Money making is tough in this economy. If you just graduated from college, or you’ve been laid off and you’re job hunting, here are some money making tips until you find gainful employment.

Start an online store. Money making is easy online! If you have clothes that you don’t wear, hop on eBay and start selling.

Buy and sell stock. Money making is risky business on Wall Street, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t pay.

Rent out a room in your house. If you have extra space in your home, use it for money making.

Sell your own merchandise. Use that green thumb for money making at the local Farmer’s Market. Sell your handmade jewelry on Etsy.

Babysitting. This has been a money making tool for years. If you’re good with kids and think you have what it takes, put your babysitting services out there.

Have a yard sale. Yard sales are great money making events. If you have a lot of stuff that you don’t need but don’t want to put it up for sale online, put it in your front yard on Saturday.

Clean houses. If you know someone who needs their house cleaned but just doesn’t have the time, offer to do it for them for a little bit of cash.

There are many ways that you can make money while you’re searching for a job!