/How to Plan and Finance Your Last Minute Honeymoon

How to Plan and Finance Your Last Minute Honeymoon

Planning a great honeymoon is something that all couples look forward to. However, wedding planning is incredibly time consuming and sometimes the honeymoon gets put on the back burner. Even if you were forced to wait until the last minute, you can still plan a fabulous honeymoon. First, figure out how much money you want to spend on your honeymoon. You should agree on a budget together. Then you need to figure out where you want to go and how long you’re going to stay there. Now it’s time to start looking for deals. Just because you waited until the last minute to plan your honeymoon, doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of money. If it fits into your budget, then going all-inclusive for your honeymoon is the way to go. All-inclusive generally includes your flight, hotel, food and drinks, and they might even give you a little extra cash. If it doesn’t include your flight, then use flight comparing websites online to pick the cheapest flight for the both of you. Keep in mind that flights are cheaper to purchase certain days of the week. It’s also cheaper to fly on some days than other days. Take a look at these stormy Hollywood celebrities couples who decided to part ways with their partners. Now that the resort is booked, start researching your honeymoon spot. Pick out places you’d like to see together, and talk about what you’re going to do when you get there. Make sure your paperwork, such as passports, are in order, and hit the road for your perfect honeymoon!