/Is a Prenup Essential to Your Marriage?

Is a Prenup Essential to Your Marriage?

When you are looking to marry the person that you love, there is often little consideration about the chance of divorce.  Despite an ever increasing divorce rate, many couples choose to believe that it will never happen to them. After all, when you are planning for marriage, everything is happy and beautiful.  The question remains, however, of whether or not heading to your local lawyer for a prenuptial agreement is a good idea.

A prenuptial agreement is a matter of protecting yourself and your income and assets.  It is not a matter of lacking trust in your partner, or even a belief that you will not remain together forever, despite the way it may make you feel. 

When considering whether or not you may need a prenup, there are a few things to consider.  Will there be children in the marriage or do you have existing children?  Does one partner make considerably more money than the other?  Does one of you have an inheritance or another significant financial asset that you would not want to relinquish to your partner in the event of a divorce?

Divorce can make people do things that you never imagined.  Whether out of anger or jealously, divorce can turn loving people into vengeful people.  A prenuptial agreement will allow you to settle many divorce issues before the marriage is even finalized. 

While you want your marriage to last forever, taking this simple step can actually be a good idea.  Let your partner know that you want your relationship to go the distance, but if there is an imbalance in your assets or if your career path is looking bright, a prenuptial agreement can be the best way to keep yourself financially protected.