Points To Prioritize While Creating Your Resume!
Job hunting in today’s economy is stressful at best, and standing apart from other candidates can be difficult. When you are looking to stand out in a crowd and make your employment search a bit easier, it can be tempting to enlist a website building company to make you a new website, or to offer a link to an existing site in your resume. The question, however, is whether this will help or hurt your chances to land the job.
The first thing to consider when thinking about this is what type of job you are looking for. Are you trying to enter the graphic design field or looking to sell real estate? If your job is technology based and your website design shows off your applicable skills, then absolutely include a link as part of your resume or job application. If, on the other hand, you are applying for a secretary position through a temping agency, it is likely wholly unnecessary.
The other consideration is the site itself. Is your site a professional site that shows off your web skills, offers your resume, or otherwise takes a professional point of view? If so, this can be a good plan. If your website is filled with photos of your children and pets or contains unrelated samples of your handwritten poetry, the link is definitely best omitted from the job application.
Knowing whether or not to put your personal website in a job application or resume really depends on the job and the site. If you keep these guidelines in mind, however, knowing if it is right for you can be much easier.