Built in 1817 to store, grade, and export cotton, the River Street Inn is now a landmark hotel in Savannah, Georgia. The River Street Inn is truly unique, and this helps to make it one of the most highly demanded lodging choices in Savannah.
Before even entering the building, visitors can tell that there is something remarkable about this property. The buildings, streets and bottom two floors are made of ballastones, and the surrounding walks give the hotel a very unique character. These stones were used to give ships coming in from Europe extra weight until they were unloaded and filled with the cotton stored in the River Street Inn.
The River Street Inn has stood largely as a historic structure and office space until it was restored and reopened as a hotel in 1986. The inn takes up an entire block of the city and wraps around a simply magnificent atrium. The top three floors of the building are comprised of floor to ceiling windows, which provide guests with an incredible light display.
In addition to an absolutely incredible design, the River Street Inn also offers guests a brilliant combination of luxury and elegance. The hotel offers complimentary wine receptions each day and numerous guestroom amenities.
For those who truly want to experience historic Savannah, Georgia and to see all that the city has to offer, the River Street Inn is a historic hotel that is well worth considering.