Ask anyone what their sign is, and most likely they will tell you pretty quickly. Often, people turn to their horoscopes for advice on their big life decisions, romance, career, and more. In fact, many people can tell a great deal of details of their sun sign and what it means for their personality and interests. However, they may not know the history of horoscopes, which dates back to ancient times.
Translated from ancient Greek, horoscopes mean “observing the hour of birth.” Horoscopes are based on the different constellations of stars that surround the sun and the moon in the sky. These different constellations, referred to the zodiac, are based on various maps and variables of when the stars can be seen in the sky.
A person’s horoscope is directly based on their zodiac sign. It is said to have insight into how the person will act and how they will handle a given situation. While it is uncertain who first discovered the various astrological constellations and subsequently was able to create a parallel to timing and dates of birth, it is known that horoscope reading dates back to ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
Next time someone asks you “what’s your sign?” remember that your sign is nothing new. Those constellations, those zodiac symbols, and those horoscopes have a long history in the western world.