Review: Style Snaps Do They Work to Improve…

Anyone who watches television has probably seen the commercials for the garment product known as Style Snaps.  These are extremely handy devices meant to eliminate the need for needle and thread when a garment requires…

Are You a Mac or a PC? Testing…

Finding the perfect computer can be difficult with so many computers to choose from these days.  Whether you prefer Mac or PC, you can find some great values with the most popular computers on the market. …

How Does the Magic Bullet Blender Stack Up…

The Magic Bullet Blender is one of a new series of food preparation and cooking tools to hit the market in recent years.  You've probably seen it advertised on television or at your local home…

Review: The New Emery Cat Board Hours of…

Your cat is your favorite little friend, and you want her to have something to do when you’re not around to keep her occupied.  Unfortunately, she has had a little too much fun with the…

Review: Pajama Jeans Cool or Not Cool?

Pajama Jeans are touted as a hybrid clothing item, featuring the comfort of pajamas, with the durability of blue jeans.  However, are they comfortable and can you really wear them both out of the street and…