/Review: Style Snaps Do They Work to Improve the Fit of Your Jeans?

Review: Style Snaps Do They Work to Improve the Fit of Your Jeans?

Anyone who watches television has probably seen the commercials for the garment product known as Style Snaps.  These are extremely handy devices meant to eliminate the need for needle and thread when a garment requires alteration.  Because they are so easy to use, most people tend to feel that Style Snaps are not as effective as they claim.

Judging by our research, it takes only a few moments and single pair of traditional jeans to prove that their way of thinking is totally wrong!

Style Snaps and Heavy Jeans

Why test out Style Snaps on a pair of heavier jeans?  Just think about it for a moment… the one type of garment that most people freely abuse is a pair of blue jeans.  Additionally, the fabric is far more substantial than that used to make the average pair of work pants or even a pair of children’s jeans.

The result of the average test of Style Snaps on heavy duty fabric is always going to be “success”.  This is because the tiny little gadgets take all of the wear and tear and don’t really put a lot of demand on the fabric to which they are attached.

How Style Snaps Function

Let’s take a moment to consider what these little devices actually are.  They are a stick on apparatus that you attach to the hem areas of garments.  You do this to raise the hem quickly and easily, and without having to break out the sewing machine or head to the nearest tailoring shop.

To perform the alteration, you just roll the hem of the garment to the height required.  You then apply the Style Snaps and return the garment to the normal length.  Once you actually “snap” together the gadget it will pull the garment up to the height desired and you can then easily just tuck the fabric up into place.

Clearly, this is going to save the average consumer a lot of time and money that they would have otherwise spent on heading to the tailor to get the garments altered. 

Why Style Snaps Help Families With Growing Children

It also spares the garment too.  How is that?  Well, if you are simply folding and tucking fabric, it means that someone else is going to be able to wear the item as they see best in the near future.  While this means that adults can leave the Style Snaps in place until they give away a garment, it also means that a growing child can benefit from their use as well.

For instance, lots of kids grow up rather than out.  This means they stay in the same size of clothing for quite a while, but they also need some of the garments altered at the tailor

Consider a teenager who suddenly “shoots up” a few inches during the course of a year.  All of her pants were once too long, and if they had been tailored in the traditional way, they would now be too short.  Had she used Style Snaps to alter her clothes, however, the hems could be dropped and the garment worn for another year or more. This is the biggest advantage we found to using Style Snaps.