/Are You a Mac or a PC? Testing Out the Top Computers of 2010

Are You a Mac or a PC? Testing Out the Top Computers of 2010

Finding the perfect computer can be difficult with so many computers to choose from these days.  Whether you prefer Mac or PC, you can find some great values with the most popular computers on the market. 

With Apple’s Mac computers leading the field, they certainly do produce some of the most popular computers around.  Perhaps the most popular of all computers today is the iMac All-In-One Desktop.  This customizable computer lets you build it just the way you want it, making it a popular choice. 

There is also the MacPro Workstationpace and the Mac mini, both of which are very popular computers.  Because of Apple’s dependability, many consumers prefer this brand over PCs.

Dell also produces some of the most popular PCs on the market.  For the PC-lover, the Dell Studio XPS 8100 Value PC is a great price for an incredible computer.  Dell also offers the Dell Studio XPS 7100, making the brand a popular choice.  Dell certainly has consistently produced some of the best computers out there today.  Another desktop PC offered by Dell that deserves mention because of its incredible value is the Vostro 230 Min-Tower Desktop Customizable. 

HP offers many computers that rise to the top of the market as well.  The HP Pavilion Elite HPE-235f, the HP Pavilion Slimline s5730t, and the HP Z200 are all great computers at reasonable prices, making them popular choices. 

You can get a great computer without spending a fortune with one of these popular computers – where you’re a Mac or a PC.