/What Do Other Cultures Eat For Breakfast?

What Do Other Cultures Eat For Breakfast?

If you enjoy traveling, one thing you will learn is that different cultures have extremely varying tastes in foods, which usually extends to the breakfast items they enjoy and consider ‘normal.’  If you are interested in learning what other cultures eat because you will be traveling, or just because you want to bring a bit of the world to your home, you will be interested in which breakfast foods each culture prefers.

United States

In the United States, the traditional breakfast usually includes oatmeal or grits (coarsely ground corn mixed with salt or sugar), bacon, sausage, hash browns (thickly grated fried potatoes), eggs, and biscuits (AKA scones) or toast.  Pancakes are also popular for breakfast in the United States as a sweeter option, as are muffins, french toast, doughnuts and bagels.

United Kingdom (England)

In the United Kingdom, the staple breakfast foods are fairly similar to the United States in the form of eggs and toast.  However, the Brits love to throw some veggies into the mix in the form of sweet baked beans, fried tomatoes and sliced mushrooms fried in butter. The traditional breakfast may include a rack of toast (a silver wire rack that can hold up to six slices).  The toast is thickly spread with fresh butter, jam (jelly), Marmalade (orange jam) or Marmite (a thick black tangy yeast-based spread). Crumpets and butter are also very popular, as is crisp fried bread.

Scotland and Wales

In Scotland, the Scots may eat haggis, which is a mixture of sheep’s liver, heart, and lungs, as well as oatmeal and porridge.  In Wales, they also enjoy black pudding in the morning.

China and Japan

Asian countries, specifically China and Japan, use rice as a basis for their breakfast foods, favoring such items as rice porridge, minced pork, shrimp, fermented soybeans, miso soup, and lightly grilled breakfast fish.


In India, the popular breakfast foods include regional items, such as Jaggery fruit, banana leaf, coconut chutney, and rice pancakes.  Many Indian breakfast foods are spicy, and include curry and deeply colored spices such as saffron and turmeric for flavoring.


In France, a popular breakfast food includes press-toasted baguettes containing sliced ham and cheese, known as Paninis.  Other preferred French breakfast foods are croissants, yogurt, and fromage frais (a cheese with a yogurt-like consistency).

Many different cultures prefer breakfast foods vastly different from your own favorites.  You can learn a great deal about other cultures by learning about what they like to eat for breakfast, and perhaps even trying out these foods for yourself.  You may even discover a new favorite from the above options!  Most of these foods can be bought or sampled at your local delicatessen or world market.