Fast food restaurants are not typically known for offering healthy fare, even for children. However, with the increasing awareness of how important healthy food is, more and more fast food joints are making an effort to offer some healthier options on their menus.
While McDonald’s might be the home of large-sized, unhealthy meals, you will find that you can choose some better fast food options for your kids if you look hard enough. Their Apple Dippers are a great alternative to French fries, and a chicken burger with some veggies added (hold the mayo) actually can make a somewhat healthier meal than other options. Opt for milk with the kids’ meal, rather than soda.
Burger King
If you’ll be venturing out to Burger King, then you will find that there are some healthy fast food options for kids here as well. Their Apple Fries (apples cut into strips) are certainly better than French fries. Also, opt for milk or juice rather than soda, and make sure that you add some vegetables and salad to the burger.
There is nothing healthy to be found here, at least not specifically for kids. If you will be going to KFC, then get your children some of their new grilled chicken, as it is at least less unhealthy than the fried chicken. And no, coleslaw doesn’t count as one portion of your daily vegetables! (Hint – if your kids love chicken, El Pollo Loco is the healthy alternative to KFC.)
Wendys does offer a few healthful fast food options for kids. They offer mandarin oranges, rather than fries, and their baked potatoes are also good options if you want your child to eat healthily.
As you can see, there are some healthy fast food options for kids if you know where to look. Vote with your wallet and let’s see if we can make a difference to what the big chains are offering our growing children.