Whenever you are looking to make a little bit of extra money, the Internet can be a good place to turn. It is not uncommon to see ads offering money to complete paid online surveys, but are these programs legitimate? Surprisingly, many of them are. Here are the best online surveys and survey sites.
One company that offers good opportunities is My Survey. The site is absolutely free to use, as all good survey sites are, and offers great rewards. Each survey taken offers a certain number of points, which can be redeemed for cash, gift certificates, prizes, or even charity donations.
Synovate, which is part of Global Opinion Panels, is another great choice. Not only can you complete standard online surveys for money, but there are often product trials that you can participate in, where you try everything from new cereals to nail polish and cleaning products. The products are free and all you have to do is answer a survey about your experience with them. There are also rewards for participating.
Ipsos also offers paid online surveys through their I-Say program. There are ample rewards to be gained, including cash and gift certificates, and earning the amount needed to cash out can be done rather quickly.
Online surveys really are a great way to earn money and prizes. When you find a company that offers categories and items that you like, they can also be a great deal of fun. Finding the right online surveys for you can be easy with the companies listed above!