/Difficult Decisions: How to Choose a Retirement Home For Your parents

Difficult Decisions: How to Choose a Retirement Home For Your parents

One of the hardest things that any grown child needs to do is to help find the best elder care for a parent.  Some important decisions must be made when your parents begin to decline in health.  Here are some of the most important considerations when making this essential life decision.

Talk it Over

One of the best places to start is to talk about the situation, not only with other family members, but also with the parent involved.  Keep in mind that your mom or dad does have a voice in the situation and may have some specific preferences.  While it’s not always possible to keep everyone happy, it is important to understand the needs and desires of the most impotent people in the equation – your parents.  Remember that every elder care situation is different and there is no absolute correct answer for every circumstance.

Assess Needs

The most important things to think about when considering retirement home options are the current and future needs of your parents.  Those who are elderly but generally healthy will have different needs than those who have medical problems.  You’ll need to consider whether your parents currently require nursing assistance or need other assistance to get around. 

While many older individuals dislike the thought of having to give up their homes, the reality is that this may be necessary at some point.  Think about what specific needs the person has, such as mobility, health and safety issues that need to be considered.  It’s always best to make a decision that ensures the safety of the individual, rather than opting to ignore potential problems.

Determine Options

With the specific needs of the person involved, you can now begin to consider the best elder care options.  One of the things that you’ll need to know is the budget that you have to work with.  Consider any long-term care insurance policies that the person may have, along with other sources of payment.  It may be advantageous to sell the home in order to pay for the new living arrangements.

There are several options when it comes to elder care living arrangements.  One option is for the person to remain in their home with provided health care specialists as needed.  Another option is to have your parent live with you or another of their children.  There are many pros and cons to this option.  The last option is to choose a care facility.  Facilities come in many varieties, with many different options.

Research Your Wish-List

Now you’ll need to begin to research the options in order to make a good decision.  Some important factors for consideration include:

* Costs

* Medical Needs

* Location

* Mobility

* Care

* Services

When choosing a care facility, visit the facility and take a tour.  You’ll also want to talk to others who are living there.  Visit several times, at different times of the day.  Check online to find out what others have to say about the facility.  Review the facility’s options along with the rules and regulations.  Look for cleanliness, particularly in group areas.  Bring your parent along to visit the location before making a final decision.