/How To Be On Time to Your Next Sports or Entertainment Event

How To Be On Time to Your Next Sports or Entertainment Event

If you’re a busy person and you don’t plan out your arrival to an entertainment sports event, then there’s a good chance that you will end up being late, which may cause you more problems than you realize. Here is how you can make sure that you get to your next entertainment or sports event on time…

Get Directions in Advance

One way to ensure that you won’t be late to your next sports event is to get directions to the venue before you leave the house. Check for directions to the entertainment sports venue online or call the venue and ask for them. Or go online to Mapquest and print them out so you can have the directions on hand in your car.

Leave Early

Estimate how long it will take you to drive to the entertainment or sports venue and add on additional time for unexpected traffic.  If you estimate that the total process will take you one hour, tack on an extra half hour to be certain that you’ll be on time.

Buy Tickets in Advance

Many fans end up missing the beginning of a sports event simply because they are still stuck in line buying tickets to get in. You can avoid this and never miss the start of an entertainment sports event by purchasing your tickets in advance.

Pay to Park

You probably know that you can save some money by parking ten blocks away from an entertainment sports venue and then walking. However, if you are more concerned with getting there on time then just pay the money to park closer. That way, you’ll get to the event on time and won’t be tired.