Madagascar is an adorable animated movie for children, filled with the jungle animals that children love most. If you’re planning a Madagascar themed birthday party for children to enjoy, let’s get started.
First, you’ll want to pick out invitations. If you can’t find Madagascar themed invitations at a party store, make your own. Find jungle themed cards and go from there. Address the invitations to each child who’s invited rather than their parents. Children love to receive their own mail!
Before the party, you’ll need to think about decorations. Conform all of your balloons and other decorations to the jungle theme. In fact, just turn your living room into a jungle. The children will have fun pretending they’re walking through their own safari.
You’ll also need to buy the cake before the party, so make sure you purchase one from a bakery that has a lion, a giraffe, an elephant, monkeys, penguins, and a zebra on it. If you can have it decorated with the exact characters that would be even better. All of the children will want to eat their favorite Madagascar character. Make cards to place in front of the other food items, with creative names like, "Penguin Pizza Rolls."
Since the film is full of animals, having the children play pin the tail on the giraffe, lion, or any other creature will be the perfect party game.
You’ll also want to make sure you have Madagascar themed party favors to hand out to the children as they’re leaving. Now, get ready to party!