/How to Turn Your Child’s Birthday Party Into a Rock n’ Roll Extravaganza

How to Turn Your Child’s Birthday Party Into a Rock n’ Roll Extravaganza

Take your kid back to a decade when poodle skirts and leather jackets were all the rage! It’s easy to plan a Rock’n’Roll birthday bash for children. What are you waiting for?

First, you’ll need to send out invitations to let other children know the date of your child’s shindig. Suggest that the children dress accordingly with the girls donning poodle skirts and fifties era tops, and boys wearing jeans and white t-shirts (leather jackets optional). You can get all of these items very cheaply at any local thrift store or Salvation Army store.

Next you’ll need to set the atmosphere. Have fifties inspired decorations such as 45s taped to the walls and cutouts of juke boxes and classic cars. Children love classic tunes, so have several old songs from Elvis to Jerry Lee Lewis on hand and your party will be rockin’ and rollin’!

The food for a Rock n’ Roll party is perhaps the best part — think sock hop at the soda-pop stand. Cheeseburgers, fries, and of course Coca-Cola are all must-haves. For desert, make root beer floats and delicious milkshakes.

Children love cake so you’ll want that to keep with the fifties theme. Decorate it with icing music notes, old sun glasses and colorful 50s cars.

The perfect party game for children at a Rock n’ Roll bash? Dancing! With all of that great music, the children will have a blast dancing the night away.

Party favors are always a fun thing to give out. Make sure the children leave with 50s music CDs, plastic 50s inspired sunglasses, or even inflatable guitars!