If you’re a sensible family CEO who is shopping for a new HD television set, you might be wondering whether an LCD or a plasma television set is going to be your best shopping option. Listed below is the difference between the two and what you need to look for when shopping, to get the best shopping deal on your next HD TV.
* LCD stands for “liquid crystal display;” a technology often used with computers.
* LCD screens tend to have a lot less glare.
* LCD TVs have a very low energy consumption rate.
* LCDs are much less likely to experience “burn in” when a picture or channel logo is left on the screen for too long.
* LCD screen TVs have a slightly lower picture quality than plasma TVs.
* Contrast between platinum white is not as pronounced on LCD TVs as it is on regular TVs.
Plasma TVs
* Plasma TVs have a picture which is higher in quality than LCD TVs.
* Plasma TVs display a starker contrast between colors.
* Plasma TVs are more susceptible to burn in if you leave a picture on them for too long.
* Plasma TVs tend to have a shorter lifespan than LCD TVs.
* Plasma TVs are more susceptible to glare, which means they are easier to view in dimly lit rooms.
Considering these pros and cons, the best thing to do next is find and compare a few brands when shopping so that you can get the price which fits your budget. Shopping for a HD TV online is easy because you can do these comparisons from one site. Have fun shopping!