/Natural Remedies: How to Fight Insomnia With Valerian Root

Natural Remedies: How to Fight Insomnia With Valerian Root

For those who struggle with insomnia (which afflicts a considerable number of people all around the world), then finding the right treatment is essential to your mental and physical well-being.  While there are numerous prescription drugs out there available from your doctor, as well as over the counter medicines, valerian might be the best option to help you fight insomnia and finally get some rest.

Valerian is an herb – it’s a root, specifically.  It has been used in holistic medicines since the early days of Greek society, and has had a number of uses.  While valerian has been used to fight insomnia for thousands of years, it has also been used as a sedative for hysterical patients.

For those interested in taking valerian, it should be noted that this herb is not as fast acting as prescription medication such as sleeping pills.  In fact, many people have to take it for a prolonged period of time to see sustained benefits.  This is because valerian does not "force" you to sleep.  It is a gentle, natural way to help encourage sleep by alleviating anxiety long-term, and promoting a more peaceful frame of mind.

However, valerian does not work for everyone.  In fact, some people have reported that the herb gives them headaches, or that it causes night terrors, hallucinations or exceptionally vivid dreams.  Of course, this is only reported in a very small percentage of users, but it should be understood that these are possible side effects of taking valerian.

Using valerian to help combat your insomnia can be an excellent way to get the sleep that you need without turning to prescription drugs.