If you are looking to travel to New York City, it helps if you start off by learning the basic facts about the city before you head to the travel agent. There are five different boroughs in NYC, and each of the boroughs offers its own assortment of unique tourist attractions. Here are some attractions offered to those who travel to each borough.
Brooklyn is the northernmost NYC borough. Here, travel lovers will find Edgar Allen Poe’s cottage as well as Little Italy. Yankee Stadium and the Bronx Zoo are also here, as well as the New York Botanical Garden.
Brooklyn offers Coney Island, as well as the Brooklyn Bridge. People who travel to this borough will also find Prospect Park as well as the old Brooklyn Dodgers Stadium.
Staten Island offers incredible sights to travel lovers as well, including the Statue of Liberty, the September 11 Memorial, and the Staten Island Zoo.
Queens offers Shea Stadium, the home of the Mets as well as the Aqueduct Race Track. Queens Botanical Gardens can also be found here, as well as many other travel destinations.
Last is the borough of Manhattan. Here, travelers will find Broadway, the World Trade Center, Central Park, the Chrysler Building, and the Empire State Building. This is also where Rockefeller Center, the Museum of Modern Art, and Times Square can be found.
There is plenty for a travel-lover to do and see in each of the five NYC boroughs. There is never a dull moment in New York City, and it is not hard to understand why so many visitors simply fall in love with the area.