/Review: Cindy Crawford’s ‘Meaningful Beauty’ Product

Review: Cindy Crawford’s ‘Meaningful Beauty’ Product

Meaningful Beauty from Cindy Crawford is a skin care regimen that is meant to promote healthier skin.  You can get it at any drugstore and it’s not that pricy.  Does it really work, though?  Just because a supermodel has perfect skin and promotes a beauty product does not mean it actually works, she may just be trying to pay her bills.  Right?

Actually, the product has some very mixed reviews.  In addition, there are very few people in the "middle ground."  Meaningful Beauty seems to be one of those products that you either love or hate.  Of course, the bad reviews do tend to outnumber the good ones.

Some people have had very positive experiences with Meaningful Beauty.  However, others have found that it does not work well for them at all.  Some people have even reported skin problems from using various components in the set, such as red, irritated skin on their face.

For those that did like the product, there were still some cons to using it.  The most notable was that the fragrance of Meaningful Beauty is a bit strong.  Others reported that it occasionally dried out their skin, with some customers stating that "dry circles" periodically formed on their faces.

It seems that Meaningful Beauty might work well for a handful, but not for others.  There is really no way to tell how your skin will react unless you try it.  Customers with oily and dry skin have both reported problems, so the results seem inconsistent.  However, if you have sensitivity to other products, it seems logical that Meaningful Beauty would be no different.

Cindy Crawford may be pretty to look at, but based on the reviews of her products, it seems she’s no dermatologist.