Your big day is just around the corner, and you want to look your absolute best. If you’re looking for ways to slim down for your wedding, here are some tips that can help you.
The Math of Weight Loss
Despite all of the fad diets, quick fixes and new gym equipment you can shake a stick at, the secret to weight loss is simple math. Spend more calories than you take in, and your body will burn a portion of its fat deposits to make up the difference.
Of course, if that were all there was to it, then everyone would be skinny! The real key to weight loss, and making sure that you still receive proper nutrition and all of the necessary vitamins and minerals, is through portion control.
Use Portion Control
As simple as it may sound, portion control is just eating the right sized portion of food to control your caloric intake. For example, eight ounces of steamed broccoli counts as one portion of vegetables, but only two ounces of cheese counts as a dairy portion. Eight ounces of skim milk or vegetables, six ounces of lean meat, two ounces of cheese, one piece of bread; by remembering that different foods come in different portion sizes, healthy weight loss will come naturally in no time.
If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, you want to make sure that you are using portion control at every meal. One reason that people have trouble losing weight is the type of food that they eat. Another reason is that even though they are eating better types of food, they are eating far too much of it. When you take in too many excess calories throughout the day, even if they are “good” calories, your body will start to hold onto them and store them.
Weigh Your Food
Reducing the amount of food that you eat with proper portion control is easier than you think. The first thing that you want to do is invest in a small scale that measure weight in ounces. Determine the number of calories that someone of your height and weight should ingest each day, and then reduce that number to determine your caloric needs to lose weight. Measure your food with the scale so that you always know how much you are putting into your body.
While this might seem like a pain, you’ll find that you need to eat far less food than you think you do in order to thrive and still lose weight.
Be Prepared
Prepare your meals and snacks ahead of time so you don’t reach for junk food. Again, measure all of this food and store it in Tupperware containers for mealtime. Measuring your food and exercising portion control will soon become second nature, and you will see the results on the scale.
By using portion control, and eating the right foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, you will have a beautiful figure on the day of your dreams.