/Star Sign Basics Understanding the Leo Horoscope

Star Sign Basics Understanding the Leo Horoscope

Do you know what your zodiac sign is? Do you spend a bit of time checking your horoscopes each day or each month? If you do check horoscopes, you are not alone. Many people have read their horoscope at least a few times in their lives. However, if you do not know much about the zodiac and you want to learn more, the first place to start is with your own sign. If you are a Leo, the following information is about you.

Zodiac or sun signs are based on two things: the stars in the sky and the day a person is born. Each sign has a complementary constellation in the sky. If you are born between the dates of July the 24th and August the 23rd, you are a Leo.

Leo is Latin for Lion, and the constellation in the sky resembles one of the great cats. Leo horoscopes generally are associated with a masculine personality. People born under the sign are said to have strong personalities, and tend to exhibit leadership qualities. Your horoscope indicates that you have a lion of a personality! 

Many Leos consult their horoscope to learn about romantic compatibility, and if this is something you are interested in, here is what you need to know. Leos are compatible with people with Aquarius, Libra and Gemini horoscopes.

If you are interested in learning more about horoscopes, researching your own sign is the place to start. Horoscopes are said to be insightful, and you may learn something new about yourself!