/Star Sign Basics Understanding the Sagittarian Horoscope

Star Sign Basics Understanding the Sagittarian Horoscope

People who were born between November 22 and December 21 are Sagittarians. The symbol for their sign is the archer, a mythical centaur. The ruling planet for those with Sagittarius horoscopes is Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods. The element of fire is associated with those who have Sagittarius horoscopes, and perhaps that is why those born under the sign are often adventure seekers.

Many astrologers who create horoscopes and study the stars believe that those born under the sign of Sagittarius are truth seekers with open minds who are willing to dig for the real answers. Quite a few seem to be interested in religion and philosophy. They are also thoughtful and generous people, though at times they can be outspoken when it comes to their beliefs.

The curious natures of those with Sagittarius horoscopes can sometimes lead to trouble, and they often speak without realizing how their words can affect other people. People who are born under the signs of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, and Leo horoscopes are often compatible with those who are Sagittarian.

Some of the popular celebrities who are Sagittarians include Brad Pitt, Dominic Monaghan, Katie Holmes, and Taylor Swift. It’s easy to research other celebs who have horoscopes that are the same as yours.

Horoscopes are a fun way to start the day. Read your morning paper, or check your horoscopes online to see what the day might have in store for you. You never know when your horoscopes might come in handy!