As a mother, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to find any spare time for yourself. When you are able to get some of that much needed spare time, you will want to make sure that you use it wisely and enjoy every minute to it’s fullest.
The first thing that you can do with your spare time is to reconnect with yourself and the hobbies that you once enjoyed. Whether you like to write, paint, or just relax and listen to some music, this is the perfect time to carve out a few minutes or hours for yourself to indulge in your favorite hobby. Visit a craft store after your school run and stock up on all the art supplies you once had when you were a kid yourself. Once the kids are out of the house, shut the door, turn the radio on, and paint, draw or sculpt to your heart’s content.
You will also find that if you take some of your spare time through the week and do some of the extra chores around the house throughout the day, you will be able to have more spare time later in the week. For instance, if you normally have a ‘free’ hour a day before the kids get home, and you spend it just sitting watching TV, try to motivate yourself to take care of just one chore before you have your TV time. This means that you could have an entire free day on the weekend!
When you find yourself with some time to yourself, you might also want to get some exercise. Get out of the house and go for a walk, or take the dogs to your local park or open space. Not only will the fresh air be healthy for your body, but it’ll clear your head and release endorphins, which will make you into a happier person.
If you find that you have some extra time through the day when you are picking up or dropping off the kids, you can listen to an audio book or a CD while in the car. Just because you’re driving doesn’t mean you have to waste that time!
You can also do absolutely nothing. One of the best things to do with your spare time is to just lay back, relax, and maybe listen to some music. Try reflecting on your feelings, thoughts and any goals you may have for yourself if you want to just sit and be still.
One of the best ‘me’ time activities is to dim the lights and take a long hot bath. Buy some bubble bath or bath pearls, light some candles, dim the lights, and just let yourself soak for an hour. If you have an alarm clock or noisemaker that makes natural-noise, such as fire flickering, rain or a river running, turn that on to shut out outside sounds and help you focus. You’ll be amazed at how de-frazzled you’ll feel when you finally emerge!
Without your alone time, it’s impossible to be the best mother you can be, and to provide a healthy and loving environment for your family and friends.