/What Clothing Items Are Inappropriate For Younger Girls?

What Clothing Items Are Inappropriate For Younger Girls?

As the parent of a youngster, it can be hard to know what to allow and what to forbid in terms of clothing for girls.  We all remember what it was like when our parents forbade us to wear whatever the latest girl’s fashion – it just made us want to wear the item or outfit all the more. 

While our photo albums likely make us want to thank our parents for forbidding some of those choices, we also know how frustrated we were at the time.  Today, we will look at what clothing for younger girls and teens is okay and what is simply inappropriate.

When considering clothing for your daughter, one thing that is certainly inappropriate is shorts that are so short, that they are covered up by the average long tee shirt.  Your daughter’s shorts should certainly be visible below her shirt, and allowing them to be any shorter certainly sends out signals that nobody wants their child to be sending.  Similarly, a miniskirt is not appropriate for a pre-teen girl as it will make her look older by accentuating her waist.

The same is true for midriff shirts and belly shirts that are cut so high they show off your child’s midriff.  These are not good examples of appropriate clothing for girls.  While they may be popular on people like Hannah Montana, they are banned by most school systems, and you may want to talk to your child if she insists on wearing them. 

On the beach, your little girl may want to fit in with her older girlfriends by wearing a bikini top, but unless she is getting near to an age where she may soon have something to cover up, bikini tops are best avoided for the reason that they may draw unwelcome attention to her figure.

Last, you will want to avoid clothing for girls that is simply skin tight.  Your child’s skin should be able to breathe, and so should they.  No matter what the kid’s fashion magazines may say, ultra-tight clothing is simply not hip for younger girls.

When you’re out shopping for clothing for your daughter, just remember to keep it tasteful.  Even though clothing choice doesn’t say a lot about your little one at such a young age, you want to keep the eyes of the teenage boys on the bus off of your child.  Remind your child if she complains that proper clothing is as much about safety as it is about fashion.