While hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid produces too low a level of hormones, hyperthyroidism is the opposite. Here, the thyroid produces too many hormones. This makes it difficult to gain weight and can result in a number of other health concerns, as well.
Hyperthyroidism can present with a number of different symptoms, including the inability to gain weight. For instance, nervousness, restlessness, intolerance to heat, fatigue and difficulty concentrating are all signs of hyperthyroidism. Other symptoms include increased appetite, increased sweating and frequent bowel movements.
You will find a number of conditions that can cause hyperthyroidism, as well. For instance, too much iodine in your diet can certainly cause this condition. Ovarian or testicular cancer can also cause this problem, as can Graves disease and an infection of the thyroid.
Treating hyperthyroidism is a matter of some concern. Some people will benefit from taking anti-thyroid medications that reduce the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid. Others will have to have all or part of the thyroid removed, while still others will have to take radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid completely.
The best course of action if you suspect that you have hyperthyroidism is to visit a doctor. A skilled medical professional will conduct blood tests to determine the level of hormones in your body and your overall health. Once a diagnosis is made, you can begin treating your hyperthyroidism, either naturally through diet or surgically by removing your thyroid. Regardless, having a qualified medical professional diagnose your condition is essential.