/Which is Healthier Oatmeal From Steel Cut or Rolled Oats?

Which is Healthier Oatmeal From Steel Cut or Rolled Oats?

The difference between steel cut oats and rolled oats is mainly one of taste.  There are some people who love their oatmeal made from steel cut oats and others who like rolled oats.  Most often, these oatmeal fans don’t really know that there’s a significant difference between the two.

Rolled oats are flat and, most often, these are the kind that you’ll see in oatmeal bought at a health food store.  Flattening them out makes them cook faster and, if you don’t want to wait around forever for your morning oatmeal, you’ll find these to be convenient.  They taste different to steel cut oats, however, and some people prefer a bolder taste than what rolled oats offer.

Steel cut oats mean that oatmeal will take longer to cook and taste stronger.  Some describe the taste as nuttier than rolled oats.  Oatmeal made from steel cut oats will also be chewier than rolled oats, owing to the greater density of the oats.  These can significantly change the flavor of your breakfast. 

To see what kind of oatmeal you have, simply pour a bit in your hand.  Steel cut oats look like an oat that has been cut.  The rolled types are flat and are usually described as flakes.  These constitute most of the fast-cooking oatmeal out there.