/Why Is Robert Pattinson From Twilight So Famous?

Why Is Robert Pattinson From Twilight So Famous?

Robert Pattinson is a household name in any home that contains teenage girls these days. But just how did he manage to become so popular, so quickly?  Even a few short years ago, despite the fact that he famously played the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Robert Pattinson’s name was relatively unknown. 

Then the Twilight Saga’s first film was released and everything changed. With the release of Twilight, Robert Pattinson gained millions of fans in the space of a year.  Perhaps it was the dark, little-boy-lost side of the character of Edward Cullen, or maybe it was the idea of an ultra-rich and physically powerful ‘bad boy’ who falls hopelessly in love with the average girl, promising to make her his bride….  it’s human nature to want what we can’t have, and the fact that the very-human Bella can’t date Edward without placing herself in mortal danger just by being in the same room as him seems to be enough to get girls swooning the world over.

No matter the reasoning, there is no doubt that upon its release, the film pushed Robert Pattinson to a new level of fame seemingly overnight.  Girls everywhere want to date him, and guys around the world hit the gym as they aspire to be him.  His pale, brooding face graces millions of posters, bedspreads, and lunchboxes around the world as the Twilight Merchandising runs it’s multimillion dollar course. An of course, his fabled romance with co-star Kristen Strewart has been the talk of the town in Hollywood ever since the film’s release.  

Robert Pattinson is certainly one of the hottest stars in the world right now, and there is no sign that this will change anytime soon, especially with the two new Twilight films on the horizon – ‘Breaking Dawn’ is the final book in the series, which will be split into two full-length movies before reaching the book’s climactic finale. 

This entire Twilight saga open up many doors in Robert Pattison’s career.  While many teenage girls are unhappy to know that he may (or may not be) dating the girl who plays his love interest Bella Swan in real life, the Hollywood gossip doesn’t seem to be affecting his popularity.  It may seem like Robert Pattinson came from nowhere, but his meteoric rise to the top was certainly well earned.