/Can Snacking Really Help You Achieve Weight Loss?

Can Snacking Really Help You Achieve Weight Loss?

Generally, snacking is something that is equated with weight gain, rather than with weight loss.  However, the right snacks (healthy snacks) can actually help you with weight loss.  How might this work?  Can you really snack and lose weight? First, you should understand that snacking is normal and natural – everyone gets hungry during the day between meals.  Most experts actually recommend eating four to six small meals per day, rather than three large ones.  Snacking between your regular meals can give you weight loss by giving your body a steady stream of energy needed to do work so it doesn’t feel it has to store calories for later. However, you need to stay away from most “typical” snacks you find in the snack isle at the grocery store.  You certainly won’t find any type of weight loss by munching on cookies and sugary treats.  Candy, cookies, salty and fatty foods and many other types are not the best choices, although having one cookie a day will certainly not hurt your diet. Try out these in-chair exercises while you clock in those hours at home. Instead, consider adding fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables (with no dip) and whole grains to your diet as snacks.  Nuts can also be healthy snacks that will help you with weight loss. In addition to weight loss, you will find that healthy snacking offers some other benefits.  For instance, you will find that you have more energy throughout the day and that you are less hungry.  This will allow you to comfortably eat smaller portions at your regular meal times, offering further weight loss, and will discourage ‘binge eating’ later in the evening. Snacking and weight loss can go hand in hand when you have the right healthy snacks to hand, and the right snack pattern.  Generally, try to snack halfway between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner.  Avoid snacking after dinner, though, as calories consumed before bed will go straight onto your waistline.